Groenendael M-litter
Born 10.10.2010.
4 males + 4 females
Sire: Criquielion de la Ferme Farouche
Dam: Jatoba Black Regina of Vanessa
Pedigree Puppypictures Puppydiary
click their names to see more pictures
HD: E/E Exams: DcH Puppytest Bronze
and Silver Other: called Nemo. Dead 30.05.2016 Owner: Johannes
HD: Exams: training tracking and
obedience Other: Owner: Marianne
HD: A Exams: VZH/BH, Gedragstest
met lof, IPO 1 Other: Owner: Berd, Holland
HD: A/A Exams: Charactertest, BH, SL
1, SL 2 (tracking + obedience) Other: Owner: Iben
HD: A/A Exams: training obedience and
agility Other: called Ika. Dead 30.09.2016 (as stated by owner) Owner: Tina, Sweden
HD: B/A Exams: training obedience Other: Owner: Brian
HD: Exams: Other: Owner: Lene
HD: A/A Exams: Other: Dead 13.04.2017 Owner: Anker